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Three Use Cases to Demonstrate the Incredible Power of Data

Three Use Cases to Demonstrate the Incredible Power of Data
Aug 15, 2019 Red Flag Alert Updated On: September 29, 2022

Red Flag Alert is helping businesses across the UK spot risk and take advantage of new opportunities. Our customers include all types of business, from organisations on the FTSE 100 to local SMEs. The thing all these businesses have in common is they use Red Flag Alert to gain a distinct advantage over their competitors.

In this article, we’ll explore how businesses in three completely different sectors can use Red Flag Alert data to gain a competitive edge.

Sports Teams

To stay successful on the pitch, professional sports teams need consistent streams of income. Red Flag Alert data can help teams do this in several ways.

Find Sponsors That Are a Great Fit

Sponsors are a major source of revenue for sports teams. Pairing the right team with the right business can produce a win-win situation for both parties. However, the sponsor should be a good fit – one with a similar audience and culture to the team it is sponsoring.

Finding companies to approach about sponsorships isn’t easy. Without business data, teams have less information about whether a company is likely to be a good candidate to approach.

Red Flag Alert removes this problem. Sports teams can use the data to find businesses likely to be interested in sponsoring them. They can filter companies in the database by metrics, including location, industry and size to get a list of targets.

Once the sports team has this list, it can narrow it down further by showing prospects that bring in over a certain level of revenue or profit. This could signal when a business is in a strong enough financial position to sponsor a team.

If a sports team already has a list of sponsors, it can profile those sponsors to find key characteristics and build a prospect list based on the current sponsors.

Enhance Hospitality Sales

Businesses can use Red Flag Alert to search for companies that are good prospects to purchase hospitality packages.

The database provided by Red Flag Alert allows sales and marketing departments to dig deeper into the data, to target companies with specific packages that could offer them more value.

For example, companies with over 1,000 employees may be interested in a different product to a company with fewer than ten employees. Teams can search for highly profitable companies and offer them more expensive packages.

Sports teams can also use Red Flag Alert data to gain access to the contact details of key decision-makers at a business. This ensures those in sales reach out to the right people.

Business Brokers

Business brokers have two major challenges: finding businesses looking to acquire or be acquired, and performing in-depth due diligence on the target companies. Red Flag Alert helps with both.

Searching for Businesses Looking to Buy or Be Bought

Business brokers can use Red Flag Alert data to search for companies that might be looking to make acquisitions.

Companies with strong profits or cash reserves may be more likely to want to invest this capital in an acquisition.

Certain sectors are more amenable to making acquisitions, so brokers may target those sectors first before drilling into specific financial characteristics like revenue, balance sheet strength, acquisition history, and growth trajectory.

Perform Due Diligence

As the deal nears its end, brokers can use Red Flag Alert to perform due diligence on the target company.

At this stage of the acquisition process, the more data businesses have available the better. Red Flag Alert is a great tool to help with due diligence for several reasons:

  • Red Flag Alert gives every company in the UK a financial health rating that brokers can use to see if a company is in good financial health.
  • Beyond the financial health rating, Red Flag Alert also provides in-depth financial data that brokers can use to get a full picture of a company’s financial health. For companies with average health ratings, this context is important.
  • The data shows an organisation’s financial history, revealing whether it is moving in a positive or negative direction.
  • The data can be filtered by industry, so the acquiring company and broker can compare the performance of the target with that of its competitors and the overall market.

Property Management Companies

Property management companies can use Red Flag Alert data to both find clients and monitor existing clients, helping these companies grow and avoid risk.

Find New Clients and Perform Due Diligence

Different properties suit different types of client. Property management companies can use Red Flag Alert data to find the type of organisation that could probably benefit from a property in their portfolio.

Property management companies can also make use of triggers that show a company may soon need new property. For example, one that is growing rapidly might be more likely to need new offices than one with static revenues.

The company can also use Red Flag Alert data to perform due diligence on new clients.

Monitor Existing Tenants

Property management companies can also use Red Flag Alert data to monitor their existing customers. This can be used in two ways:

  • Property managers can spot opportunities to upsell to existing clients. If they notice a client has grown, it may need a larger office. Managers can get in early to offer a larger property to companies that may need it.
  • Property managers can spot early on when a business may be experiencing financial difficulty. This means it can take steps to ensure it continues getting paid, such as asking for money in advance.

Red Flag Alert Data Helps Businesses Reach the Next Level

Red Flag Alert provides prospect database software that can be used by all types of businesses. The data covers 6.5 million UK businesses and is updated over 100,000 times every day. Companies use this information to spot and take advantage of opportunities, as well as avoid risk.

To discuss how your business could utilise Red Flag Alert data to its advantage, contact Richard West on 0344 412 6699 or at


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