
Free UK Company Search

Fill in this form and get access to: 

  • Company name search and company lookup
  • Advanced and easy-to-use company search tool
  • Company info UK and financial data
  • Full Companies House director information
  • Company registration number
  • Verify VAT numbers
  • Verify companies 
  • Includes live data feeds, data direct from the UK courts and UK first CCJ information

Ensure companies are legitimate and creditworthy with Red Flag Alert company check tool and business reports.

Get Your Free Company Search

The Complete Company Search & Business Report  Solution

Do business with peace of mind with our industry leading company search tool and company reports. 

Our search tool provides over 100 filters to search by, whilst our business reports are easy to understand, detailed and powered by the UK's most accurate insolvency and financial health score.

  •  Company Search
  • Database Of All UK Companies
  • Full Company Reports
  • Director Search 
  • VAT Number Search 
  • Company Finance Check
  • UK No. 1 Insolvency Score
  • Live Data Feeds


Protect your company from bad debt and fraud with Red Flag Alert.

With bad debt and fraud on the rise it has never been more important to practice excellent risk management and financial due diligence.

Our platform allows you to reduce this process from hours to minutes. Simply search for a company and our detailed but easy to understand reports will show you if they are a threat or opportunity. 

AML Monitoring

98% Pass rate

Paperless audit trail

Global offering

Trusted by1000+ professional
SME & Enterprise busineses, including:

aml laptop

Try our Free Company Report Tool

Find out if a company is legitimate with our free company search tool! Use a company name search and find any UK company at no cost to you.